Once again I had the opportunity to visit Green Cay and Wakodahatchee with the Caloosa Bird Club - this is a bus trip that takes us across the state and it's an all day affair, it's really sweet that we don't have to drive and I really enjoy that part.
As always, the birds were plentiful and they kept us interested and mesmerized - the Wood Storks remain my favorites. Take a look at the some of the pics that I took while visiting....

I love the fact that you can be so close to them and that they don't feel threatened in any way, watching them as they do their courtship, mating, tending to their eggs and then raising their chicks is one huge blessing that I am grateful for.
For those of you who have been following me for many years - you may have noticed that I've not been blogging as much as in the past....several reasons on the personal front and one of the latest one was my computer, I am now the proud owner of a Mac and I just figured out how to post my photos within blogger - I was making it more complicated than necessary - it's all good. Now I need to make time to be out there and spend more time in nature especially since it is my elixir for peace and joy.