The Killdeers sat too for a while and then they took off with their usual "kill-deah" sounds. |
Here's a common sight of Ding at low tide...Roseate Spoonbills, Little Blues and Snowys. |
The mottled ducks are back too.... |
Dreamy, isn't it? |
Blue Wing Teal |
Roseate Spoonbills with a seagull. |
The Spotted Sandpiper - wears it's name very well as it bobs (spot) it's tail all the time. |
Great Blue Heron |
Great Egrets, Snowy, Tricolored and Juvenile Ibis. |
The Stork! One of 20 that I saw that day. |
More White Wonders....Great Egrets, Snowy, Juvenile Little Blues, White Ibis and Stork. |
Gator was there to say farewell - till the next time.....check his smile out! I don't know about you but I keep my distance at all times. |
Just love the Roseate spoonbill, nice shot on the blue heron. Is that the stork that delivers the babies.