
Showing posts with label Northern Waterthrush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northern Waterthrush. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2017

Migration time!

Now that it's migration time I tend to spend a bit more time at the Lighthouse Point and the Pond Apple Trail since it seems to be rather productive with sightings of Warblers passing through - come along and see what I've come across for the past week or so....
All right, I know that this male Pileated Woodpecker is not migrating but I couldn't pass him up as he sat on top of this wooden pole.

A Cape May Warbler took me by surprise - at first it was being called a "Prairie" by others but the more I looked at it the more I was questioning the call - I was delighted when I got home and started to study my photos and I was able to come to the conclusion that it was a Cape May.

A Northern Waterthrush has also been seen along the Pond Apple Trail - picking along the small ponds here and there along the trail.

While it happens to be migration - it also coincides with our local birds going into their breeding season - evident here with this Cattle Egret and....

the Tricolored Heron.

A day later - I found myself at the Lighthouse for the first hour only to move to the Pond Apple Trail and for good reasons......

A Yellow-billed Cuckoo made a swell appearance.

and so did the Summer Tanager.

I don't know about you but every time I see a Yellow-billed Cuckoo I am delighted - what's not to love!

The Vireos were in good numbers too - I was able to photograph this White-Eyed Vireo and

this Blue-Headed Vireo.

The Red-eyed Vireo as well as the Yellow-throated Vireo were seen but not photographed.

Another sweet appearance from the Summer Tanager.

I couldn't pass this young Little Blue Heron - they have a special appeal when the blue starts to color its plumage.

Today I found myself at the Lighthouse once more and was delighted to see several Northern Parulas,

and Yellow-throated Warblers

and another Cape May Warbler - this is great! We should have another week of migration and hopefully we'll get more sightings along the way....stay tuned.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A few of my favorite things

Some photos that I took this week while observing the wildlife around me - come along and see....
This Short-billed Dowitcher was observed on Tuesday near Turner Beach.

A visit to Rotary Park on Wednesday brought good sighting of this tailless Prairie Warbler.

A Loggerhead Shrike - I'm so glad they are back in town.

In the woods we found a Chuck-will's-Widow, quite a nice surprise to see it - usually I hear it and it's pitch black outside.

Some colorful Golden-silk Spiders can be found in the woods too and if you're not careful you might just walk into their wide webs.

Paper Wasps - check the tiny waist! It is said to sting but are not aggressive.

And OH MY! What a nice surprise - a Mangrove Cuckoo hanging - where else - in the mangroves!

Another Golden Silk -pretty but I'll still keep my distance, thank you.

Yesterday I took my husband out to lunch along  the Causeway - great homemade Chicken salad sandwich with a fantastic water view with a bonus: A Great Egret.

This morning I was biking across the island and entered the Pond Apple Trail which was mostly under water - ahead of me was a Northern Waterthrush bobbing along while eating its fill in the puddles.

After reaching several very deep puddles I decided to turn around - on my way back, these Egrets had taken this spot for some rest.

I just love to watch the wildlife and it always makes me wonder what they are thinking about - feel free to fill in the blanks on this scene.