Now that it's migration time I tend to spend a bit more time at the Lighthouse Point and the Pond Apple Trail since it seems to be rather productive with sightings of Warblers passing through - come along and see what I've come across for the past week or so....
All right, I know that this male Pileated Woodpecker is not migrating but I couldn't pass him up as he sat on top of this wooden pole. |
A Northern Waterthrush has also been seen along the Pond Apple Trail - picking along the small ponds here and there along the trail. |
While it happens to be migration - it also coincides with our local birds going into their breeding season - evident here with this Cattle Egret and.... |
the Tricolored Heron. |
A day later - I found myself at the Lighthouse for the first hour only to move to the Pond Apple Trail and for good reasons...... |
A Yellow-billed Cuckoo made a swell appearance. |
and so did the Summer Tanager. |
I don't know about you but every time I see a Yellow-billed Cuckoo I am delighted - what's not to love! |
The Vireos were in good numbers too - I was able to photograph this White-Eyed Vireo and |
this Blue-Headed Vireo. |
The Red-eyed Vireo as well as the Yellow-throated Vireo were seen but not photographed. |
Another sweet appearance from the Summer Tanager. |
I couldn't pass this young Little Blue Heron - they have a special appeal when the blue starts to color its plumage. |
Today I found myself at the Lighthouse once more and was delighted to see several Northern Parulas, |
and Yellow-throated Warblers |
and another Cape May Warbler - this is great! We should have another week of migration and hopefully we'll get more sightings along the way....stay tuned.