
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday's Treat

The early bird gets to see the bird yawn or perhaps this is a cranky seagull saying: What are you looking at?
Today marked the last day of my duties of Turtle Patrol until the next season rolls around - this also signals the trickle of the snowbirds and the wintering's in the air, it's on the road already and I'm pretty sure that the migrants have all gone through by now because the lighthouse point has been very, very quiet the last 3 times that I was there.

I spotted different things - like this colorful Landlubber who loves to eat everything in sight - yet no other creatures will eat him.
The dainty dragonflies were buzzing about and blending in with their background - I got lucky with this guy when he landed on a lighter backdrop.

This is a moth that is hanging upside down and was at least 6 inches wide.

Then I drove home and made a u-turn when I saw the Bald Eagle behind the Dairy Queen, he was kind to let me take his photo, then silently took off.


  1. You sure do have the back of taking some awesome pictures. No pictures here today. Cold wet and raining. High of 42 brrrrrrrrr.

  2. Nice variety of images, France! Hope our nice weather stays for awhile!
