Before I begin today I want to express my gratitude to all of you who follow my blog on a regular basis, it brought a huge smile when I realized that the 100,000 views rolled over, so Thank You All, I could not have done it without YOU!
Now, without much further adoo, let's move on to today's expedition.
It had been a couple of weeks since I went out with the bird club and several months since I visited Harn's Marsh - it was with great anticipation that we started our bird outing today. Come along and see what we feasted our eyes on .....
I love the big expanse of land and water and the peace that this space provides, don't you? |
Harn's Marsh wouldn't be Harn's Marsh without all the Black and Turkey Vultures greeting us at the beginning. |
The Boat-tailed Grackles wanted to make it more personal too. |
Several Glossy Ibis can be seen around the Marsh. |
And the Sandhill Cranes! Oh My! |
We got a huge treat when they started their dance rituals while calling one another. |
The Savannah Sparrows are always fun to watch too - up one minute and down the next. |
The Gray-headed Swamp hen are alive and well. |
More Crane action. |
Harn's Marsh has a trail that loops around and if you have the energy you can easily walk it - all 4 miles of it. As a group, we signed up and had special permission to drive around but as you can see we all get out of our cars and spend time observing what takes place. |
Another bunch - just how beautiful are they? |
They granted me a group photo, thank you! |
Other than large Crane, some tiny butterflies were observed as well - a Barred Sulphur is seen here. |
My favorite: a bright yellow happy flower :) |
Did you know that birders are great listeners? |
How about an American Bittern - always hiding - but this time one of our members spotted it. |
You can see how they can easily be missed. |
A Limpkin - a regular at the Marsh. |
More great spaces. |
Looking for a Spotted Sandpiper - instead we spotted a Hooded Merganser and several Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. |
A Greater Yellowlegs sat long enough for me to capture it, the Lesser not so much. |
Another Hooded - sweet! |
Our last sweet bunch - Least Sandpipers! When you get a chance, make sure to visit Harn's Marsh - it will provide you with priceless time filled with beautiful creatures - big and small. |
Great Photos.