It's early, it's 7a.m. and the gates open for the Wildlife Drive at Ding Darling. First sighting - several Yellow-crowned Night Heron - the sun is just above the horizon. |
Beautiful colors on the Brown Pelicans in the morning light. |
White Pelicans were busy keeping their feathers in tip-top shape. |
This was a typical sight this morning everywhere along the Wildlife Drive - hundreds upon hundreds of bird species....Little Blue, Reddish Egret, Snowy Egret, White Ibis, White Pelicans and Tri-colored Heron can be seen in this shot. |
Are you looking at me? |
In the thick of the mangroves - hundred of White Egrets, Snowy Egrets and Tri-colored Heron could be seen and especially heard. |
YUM! I love shrimps. |
I think I'll get me another. |
The Blue Crab was watching the feeding frenzy and staying put without moving a claw. |
Guess whose feet these are? If you said Snowy Egret - you got the prize. |
I like to think of the Snowy Egret as wearing yellow slippers. |
Where did the sun go? All of a sudden - a dense fog seems to hover over the wildlife drive. But wait?? What do we have here - a River Otter blending in the background, almost unnoticed. |
Roseate Spoonbills making their first appearance this morning. |
Flying over the Tower and heading to the sand/mud dunes. |
Joining in with the others and taking advantage of the low tide. |
Off to another little island - commotion could be heard.....this Laughing Gull was pretty territorial. |
Oh, I see now that the White Ibis has a nice tasty morsel and since he's in Seagull territory - he's getting to hear about it....even the Ring-billed joined in. |
The White Ibis got smart and made its departure. |
"Geeze, okay.....I'm outta here." |
Time to go to the ocean and get some diving in going. | | | |
All in all, it was a fantastic day with the 37 species that I saw and I can easily say that if I didn't have another engagement to go to, I would have spent another 2 hours and would have been able to see all the others that were present.
Some very nice pictures. Love the hairdo. I will have to see the white pelicans some day.