
Monday, April 28, 2014

Sora at the Bailey Tract

After doing the Sanibel Garden Preserves trail, I headed over to the Bailey Tract. It was unusually quiet by the North Dike, so I headed over to the Tarpon Slough. Kent, another birder, was already quite busy observing a Sora - sweet!
It had been at least a year since I saw a Sora at the Bailey Tract, I was happy to be able to watch it for a bit.

A Juvenile Little Blue was nearby, feeding - look how the blue feathers are starting to come in.

There were quite a few Mottled Ducks and Blue Wing Teal in the area still.

A Tricolored Heron in its breeding plumage came by and look how well the Sora is camouflaged along the edge of the pond.

Oh Oh! A couple of Otters came over and seemed to be heading straight for the Sora.

It was nice to see it come back out after the Otters had gone.

Preening time for the Black-necked Stilts.

As I  headed out to my car - I couldn't help but notice that The North Dike had a few ducks, a couple of Black-necked Stilts and a Green heron - standing on the edge of the pond - looking tall.

There's Kent - hard at work taking great photos.

The newest addition to the Bailey Tract.  My E-Bird List for the Bailey Tract

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