
Friday, March 3, 2017

Down time

I've been pretty busy lately and have seen hundred of people - I was due for some peace and quiet and what better place to be than on one of those quieter beach spot on Sanibel, come along and enjoy the scenery.....
As it is customary for me - the earlier the better in order to catch the sun rising.

I wasn't the only early riser - several Snowy Plovers were already scouting the beach.

Those tire tracks reminded me that it's almost turtle time and soon I will be riding on the beach looking for their crawls.

A pair of Wilson Plover were using some of those tracks in the sand for resting.

Some raucous diverted my attention....I'm not sure what the Eagle was up to but the Osprey wouldn't give him a break.

Back for a second look at those Wilson Plover.

What a beautiful paradise I live in - I can't get tired of this view.

Four Willets hanging together by some driftwood, blending in and out of sight.

More Ospreys - there must have been a dozen in this particular area.

Great view for an Osprey to spot its prey and what a perfect spot to find a
Scotch Bonnet!

Soon after I spotted a Spotted Sandpiper around some brackish water.

Well, I think it's time for me to go and get a meal too....thanks for joining me.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tony M, there's no other place I'd rather be than on a peaceful beach surrounded by our feathered friends.
