
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pond Apple

I had been cleaning house and clearing excess vegetation all day and felt the call to go birding. It had been a while since I had visited the Pond Apple Trail and thought to go and check it out. The word was out that the eagle pair had returned and I wanted to check it out - hoping that the trail had dried up by now.

First, I checked the retention pond area and spent some time looking at the herons, anhingas and cormorants. Then I set out for the trail - I found it to be very muddy but decided to keep going forward anyway....until I hit an area that was still way under water and at this point decided to retreat back.

The cormorant felt very comfortable in my presence and he just enjoyed sitting on a post - breathing and staying cool.

Then I spotted the Kingfisher - thinking for sure that as soon as I would lift my binoculars that he would high tail it....but no....he stayed put. I switch to my camera and tried as much as I could to stay steady while taking his photo....knowing very well that I couldn't get near him without him taking off.

The Anhinga - aka the snake bird - was taking a break from fishing and drying his wings off.

Here is a tranquil spot - off the beaten path - very soothing and relaxing. Though....wait.....I think I heard something....let me see

Aha! A little family of gators...from my spot I could count 7 and there were probably more. Knowing how small they were, I figured that mama gator was not too far and that I better not get any closer.

When I got back on the path, I found these feathers - you see I have a collection of feathers and they have a special meaning for, of course, I picked them up and carried them back....thinking....perhaps a hawk or the eagle had a meal of ??...not really sure what kind of bird this was from the feathers and the pattern - I bet one of my birding friend would know. Well, gotta love Google! I found on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife website a Feather Atlas and I was able to identify those feathers as being from a Chuck-Wills-Widow adult male Tail feathers, how about that! I've heard this bird, now have it's feathers - maybe one of these days I'll see one.
 On my way out of the Pond Apple I did see the Eagle perched in a tall tree and he soon was joined by his partner - I'm glad that I came.

Cormorant bid me farewell with a song.....when you wish upon a star - makes no difference who you are....

My E-Bird List


  1. I love the bill on the Cormorant because of its very bright colors. Another great job.


  2. Oh ya. I forgot to mention the feathers. They are really pretty. Kind of reminds me of Indian feathers

  3. Those feathers are sitting on a 8.5x11 piece of paper - so it gives you the idea of their sizes.
