
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Let's clap for CROW

I have several things that I am quite passionate about and one of those are the sea turtles. I volunteer and help with protection and seldom get to see the turtles - so today was a very special day. As volunteers for SCCF (Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation) we were invited to witness the release of "Cora" a Loggerhead sea turtle who had been found 6 weeks ago with deep laceration and a broken bone in her flipper, most likely due to interaction with fishing gear. CROW (care and rehabilitation of wildlife) worked their magic, Cora healed nicely and was strong enough to be released back to the ocean. Come and visit with me as we let her go.
Everyone is eager to see and patiently waiting as we line up while providing ample room for her to move.

Cora was carried a little bit closer to the gulf while keeping her eyes covered to keep her tranquil.

"This is your moment Cora" - time to let you go and let you be in your natural environment.

She was quite a trooper as she propelled herself forward - all 150lbs+.

Some more encouragement and a little coaxing, she seemed to be a bit disoriented, however her swimming skills, her ability to breathe and resurface on her own was/is very strong.

She was seen at a distance coming up for air - looking good!

And off she went as she waved us farewell.

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