
Monday, January 26, 2015

Going to church - Church Road in Hendry Co.

Elaine and I got set to go across a few counties - first stop was in Lee Co, looking for the Whip-poor-will....the only thing I got out of that goal was to learn how to spell show on the bird. Then as we headed to Hendry Co with a few species to see in mind, we saw our first Caracara of the day.
I think it's going to be a good day.

As we arrived at Church Road, we heard the Robins and saw them settle in a nearby tree.

Savannah Sparrows were greeting the new day.

So was the Eastern Phoebe.

Up till that point the weather seemed to be holding up....but now it was time to seek shelter.

A double rainbow....has the pot of gold been deposited in my car?? No, no such luck.

Soon the weather cleared up and things were looking much brighter....such as this tree....filled with

6 Western Kingbirds, 1 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers and tons of sweet oranges.

The Crested Caracaras were everywhere - we counted 12.

Along that fence with the Crested Caracaras was a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.

They make a fine pair, don't you think?

The air is changing - it made me feel as if I was in Kansas and watching the sky for the next development.

All's we go across Collier County and back into Lee County, a quick stop at Gator Hole.

Several Bluebirds greeted us.

And Downy Woodpeckers entertained us.

I don't know about you, but to me this looks lovely....I love the outdoors and all that it entails.

A mystery bird.

More trails....YES!

We reached the end of the trail and high tailed it home....until.....we spotted ducks on the side of the road....

There was so many of them....I pulled out the scope and we counted....350 Ring-necked Ducks and 8 Coots.

And that, my friend, makes for a ducky day!


  1. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing a great day!

  2. Thanks Vicki, it indeed was a great day!

  3. Hey France! I had noted long ago in my calendar that you were planning to come to Sarasota and the
    Celery Fields on the 26th. I ran into the group who know you ( I was the one handing out cookies!).
    Glad you had a great day--I hope to get to meet you another time. As always,thank you for the stories and
    great photos. I'm a big fan!
    Patch Davis

    1. I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet you - especially since you marked it on your calendar...dang. And sorry to have missed your cookies too. I hope that there will be another opportunity down the road and that we'll get to meet. In the meantime....Happy Birding!
