
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Estero Point

I had the good fortune of being invited to join in with Elaine, David & Tammy and revisit the Winkler extension - Estero Point.
Armed with mosquito repellent, sunscreen, high boots, plenty of water and of course - binoculars and camera, we began. The day promises to be sunny and warmer as the sun rises - so we were prepared to shed layers as we proceeded forward - flashlight handy just in case.....soon the sun will illuminate.
Several species could be heard as we walked in, some birds were not instantly recognized - the light playing tricks with us.

After visiting the Wigeon Pond, we made our way to the vast open area where promises of Rails and Sparrows awaits.

It was fascinating to watch the Tree Sparrows as they swooped and seemingly sailed across the top of the tall grass - often times passing between us.

Elaine enjoying the scenery.

Tammy on the ready for sharp pictures.

Snowy Egrets heading for their daily activities.

And so were the juvenile White Ibis.

Somewhere in there was a sparrow.

Some of the ground has dried up with the lack of rain - this area ebbs and flows with tides as well as rain.

A Mangrove is sprouting to life.

Estero bay held a lot of species - here the Avocets could be seen by the hundreds.

Well, 6 miles later and after braving the elements that S.W. Florida provides - it was time to head home.

Many species can be seen at this venue - with plenty of patience and preparation - it makes for a pleasant experience. Thanks again. My E-Bird List for today had 66 species.

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