There had been many reports on Facebook for the past couple of days about a MacGillivray Warbler being sighted at Freedom Park in Naples and since Monday is birding day - it just made perfect sense to head to that park first thing in the morning.
We arrived at the park and noticed that we were not the first ones - we proceeded down or up the boardwalk, depending on how you want to look at any events....come along and see....
First, take a look at the habitat that this warbler likes to hang in .... deep down in the foliage. |
If you haven't noticed by now - I happen to be a sucker for water lily - to me they are special and represent life and being a else could one explain such a beautiful bloom that sprout out of the mud. |
Okay, back to birding time....a Gray Catbird was spotted as it balanced on the flower stalks above the water. |
Not too far away, a female Red-winged Black Bird. |
As we headed toward the Gazebo we slowed down and enjoyed watching this Palm Warbler among the Casia petals.... |
lots of petals. |
Many butterflies were along the path too, this Monarch landed near by and enjoyed the Pink Snow flowers which seemed rather abundant. |
And finally the star of the show made a fully visible appearance.... |
patience paid off and I was finally able to get its photo and I have to say it was not easy - this bird spent the majority of its time under the thick mat of grasses and reeds - giving us glimpses here and there. |
This MacGillivray's Warbler is not supposed to be in this neck of the woods as it is a western specie that migrates to Mexico, for some reason and perhaps because of Hurricane Irma, it landed in our corner. Needless to say it was a "lifer" bird for myself and many others as well....this makes for a very good birding day!
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And you know what they say,
the early bird gets the worm and
the MacGillivray's got his just
like I got mine :).
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